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Your Free “On Track” Assessment*

In 3 short steps we’ll help you evaluate our services and make an informed decision about working together.

  • Tax return analysis
  • Investment analysis
  • Progress toward retirement goals


Step 1 – Complete the Pre-Meeting Questionnaire

* Denotes required field

To ensure we make the best use of our time together, please complete the questions below. 👇 (You can zip through them in <1 min!)

NOTE: We are a full-service firm and DO NOT offer an hourly fee schedule or a one-time project fee option.

Step 2 – Complete Our Questionnaire

We will send a brief questionnaire that provides us with basic information about you, an overview  of your assets and income, along with your goals and what you’d like to achieve through a relationship with an advisor.  

Step 2 – Connecting Your Accounts

Once we have your completed questionnaire, we will provide you with access to our financial planning software. We ask that you connect your various investment accounts within the software. This will give us a more complete picture of your asset types (taxable v. tax deferred) and your asset allocation within those accounts. We also ask that you complete a brief risk tolerance questionnaire. We also ask that you upload a PDF copy of your most recent tax return to the secure vault within our client portal. This will allow us to analyze your tax return. We may follow up with email asking for additional information.

Step 3 - Assessment Review

Once we have all the information noted above, we will schedule a brief 20-minute phone call to share the assessment. This will provide you with a high-level overview of your progress toward your stated retirement goals, a summary of your investment portfolio, and a tax report. We will also address:

  • How we work with clients
  • Our planning & service standards and meeting cadence
  • Reivew our investment philosophy
  • Discuss our fee structure

 If there’s mutual interest in further discussions about working together we’ll schedule a more in-depth meeting (either in our office or via Zoom).

Our assessment is not a financial plan, and we will not be making any planning recommendations. Our assessment will show you where you are and identify any gaps in where you’ve indicated you want to be when you retire versus where you are currently. You are not engaging ARWM with the free assessment.

* You must have investment assets of>$1 million to qualify for this free assessment.