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April 2022 Tradewinds


Morgan Housel’s book, The Psychology of Money, one’s was of my “must read” books of 2021. I enjoyed his recent blog post which tied in with my watching WeCrashed mentioned in last month's newsletter.


Current Events

We need to understand how Russia (at least Putin and his associates) sees the West. This recent interview with Sergey Karaganov paints a very bleak future of East-West relations.

 Human Interest

I’ve shared some of my friend T. Edward Nickens’ work here before. His recent column in Our State is not to be missed.  

During a recent trip to Austin, I had the cool experience of riding a ZuGo e-bike. This easy to ride e-bike has a 40-mile range, takes about 6 hours to fully charge and has a top speed of 28 mph. I suspect this mode of transportation will become increasingly common for urban dwellers. Earlier this spring, I tracked my car travel during one week and found that I made only two trips > 3 miles.

I suspect by the end of the decade a majority of cars on the road will be EVs. Here’s a great infographic on all current EVs available in the US.

Author Michael Lewis lost his daughter, Dixie, in a tragic car crash in May 2021. His discussion about his family’s loss in this podcast is incredibly moving. Skip to 41:00 mark to listen to that part of the podcast.

  What I’m Reading, Watching and Listening to

No Time Like the Future by Michael J. Fox

The Beauty of Dusk by Frank Bruni

Slow Horses on Apple TV

Carl Icahn: The Restless Billionaire on HBO