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Five Financial Mistakes to Avoid in 2018

Have you resolved to get your financial house in order in 2018? Here are five financial mistakes to avoid in the new year.

  1. Roth or not? The new tax laws make Roth IRAs and 401ks more appealing. Make sure you take advantage!
  2. Let it run? The equity markets were good to most investors in 2017. However, don't overlook the importance of rebalancing your portfolio.
  3. Are you taking unnecessary risk? Most investors view bonds as the "safe" part of their portfolio. Make sure you understand the risk in your bond investments.
  4. What's your number? How much do you need to save for a secure retirement? If you don't know, now is the time to find out.
  5. Who gets it when your gone? Nearly 50% of Americans don't have a will. Others wrongly assume their will determines who will get their IRA and 401k accounts. Make sure your legacy goes to those for who you intend it.